Looking at a challenge you are currently facing…
❧ How does uncertainty manifest for you right now?
❧ What feelings and emotions come up when you think about uncertainty?
❧ What do you tell yourself? (story)?
❧ What does this tell you?
❧ What assumptions are you making about uncertainty right now? Are they valid? Are they validated by others?
❧ How could you manage the potential risks associated with uncertainty?
❧ What do others may need from you in uncertainty?
❧ What do you need from yourself in uncertainty?
❧ What could be the hidden gem of uncertainty?
❧ Ideally, how would you want to be in uncertainty?
❧ How could you be / live more fully today despite uncertainty?
❧ What would ‘walking in uncertainty’ look like? Your stance, posture, pace, energy? (try the walk, see how it feels!)