
Sign up to receive The Self-Coaching Minute 2-4 times a month plus a free guide to gain vision and clarity over your first step on your journey of change. You will also receive occasionally bonuses and special offers, including opportunities for pro-bono coaching from me.

  • Français

Looking for what is next for you?

You are facing a challenge  in your life, work, career, and feel stuck?


You are longing for change, for more, for different and are not quite sure how to get there?


You are working in International Development, Humanitarian Aid, Education or Sustainability?


You are in the right place!


I coach professionals, practitioners and consultants 

– present, past and future –


to help them on their career, work and life journey

… and give them the tools to achieve goals, sustain changes and continue to grow.


coach yourself and get coached

The self-coaching


Receive  The Self-Coaching Minute 🕑 

(2-4 times a month)


🕑 The Self-Coaching Minute proposes questions and prompts to help you explore what is happening within and around you on a range of life, career and work topics.

Perfect for journaling or for your weekly reflective practice!


It’s FREE.


(Includes news about career and personal development webinars and pro-bono coaching sessions.)


Check the blog for more tools and articles.

Your next life chapter

Self-coaching programme


Your Next Life Chapter gives you a framework to understand life cycles and transitions.


It provides you with deep reflective tools to help you identify where you are at in your personal and professional life, what is missing, and what is calling you.

Follow the steps of the self-coaching programme and start actively crafting the next chapter of your personal or professional life.


A useful tool for career transition and for people who want to gain clarity, feel in control of their own life and feel confident about their choices.


1:1 coaching

Tailor-made to your needs.

3 to 12 coaching sessions over 2 to 6 monhs.


Start with a free coaching consultation to discuss where you are at, where you would want to go and get a taste of what coaching is. Together we will assess if and how coaching could support you, whether we would like to work together, and, if so, how.


See the coaching section here for more info on the coaching process.

CV review


I provide a CV review service for International Development and Humanitarian professionals looking for employment or consultancies.


This is a 3-step process:


1. A 30-minute introductory call

2. CV review

3. A 30-minute debriefing call


£ 100  /  US$ 125  /  € 115


This service is free of charge with any coaching package.


Contact me to register.




For International Development and Humanitarian Professionals


Flashcoaching sessions take place in groups of up to 6 people on topics such as career development, freelancing, managing life abroad and/or travels, relationships and family building, working in isolation, etc.


Flashcoaching sessions are gift-based. You pay what you can afford based on the value you got from the session.


Register to 🕑 The Self-Coaching Minute to be notified about the next sessions. 



For International Development and Humanitarian Aid Professionals


This is a space for people to share, learn, develop and grow in a safe space.


Topics combined life, career, work and leadership issues in International Development and Humanitarian Aid.


6 to 12 sessions throughout the year in groups of 4 to 6.


Women only, men only and mixed groups available in English or French.


Contact me to register interest.


Common coaching topics

I am a professional and life coach. 

I coach on issues of which I have first-hand experience to ensure a strong relationship with my clients.

Click here to see how we can work together.


(Re)discover purpose and meaning at work.

Shape your work to fit your needs (content, skills, relationships, environment…)

Career development

Career development and transition.

Dealing with new responsibilities.

travel & mobility

Managing international mobility. Overcoming cultural barriers. Making living and working abroad a success.


Connecting with self.

Understanding own patterns, beliefs and strengths. 

Change & transition

Adapting to, managing or embracing change.

Embarking on a new project or life chapter.

balance & wellbeing

Maintaining work-life balance. Boosting energy levels.

Improving lifestyle habits.

My clients

People who choose me as a coach are mostly:

redonner un sens à leur travail

People working in the development, humanitarian and sustainability sectors who feel the need to rediscover purpose and engagement in their life and work.

Teachers who want to improve their skills, wellbeing or want to leave teaching. Education managers who want to improve their leadership.

woman sitting on a suitcase and looking at clouds in a world map shape

People who want to better manage geographical mobility, make the most of their new environment, overcome cultural barriers, manage relocation or distance and isolation.

People who are stuck or feel overwhelmed about the environment & climate change and who want to simplify their lives, reduce consumption and embark on the ecological transition journey.

Woman overlooking mountains
Laetitia Antonowicz

About me

Your Coach: Laetitia Antonowicz

I am a Certified and Accredited Professional and Personal Development Coach. I hold a Coaching and Mentoring Certificate from the Institute for Leadership and Management (UK) and a Professional Coaching Certificate from the French School of Coaching EFC/MHD (RNCP). I was awarded the European Mentoring and Coaching Council Global Individual Accreditation at Practitioner level. I also hold an Emotional Intelligence Certification in the EQ-i 2.0 EQ360.


Coaching was the natural professional next step from my earlier work. After seven years in teaching I became a consultant in education and international development. I have worked for more than 20 years with the United Nations, development agencies and Non-Governmental Organisations to support the most marginalised children and youth to realise their rights to education, protection and participation.


All my professional roles have been about supporting individuals or teams on a journey of learning and change, a journey from intention to action and impact, a journey from ‘business as usual’ to meaning and purpose.

I am a sustainable development engaged coach
