“It is creative yet with excellent levels of clarity and wonderful powerful questions.”
“Really taking some time to reflect enables to uncover new aspects and perspectives, or to connect them in a new way – there is actually a red thread that links many of my experiences.”
“Confirmation that maybe I was never quite in the right ‘professional career’ all along, but went along with opportunities as they became available. And that unless I make an effort, things won’t change – starting a new chapter is not impossible at all, especially given the safety net that my financial situation provides at least for some time, but it’s not just going to happen (and noone else will just present it to me on a silver plate). It need not be hard, but it needs to be intentional.”
“It’s a resource that makes you pause for a moment and think about and what is driving change, reflect where you are coming from, where you are going, why and now to get there.”
“I can think of many of my friends who would love this resource. I would recommend it to my friends who are looking at a career change, or are feeling dissatisfied in their work or personal life. I see it is a tool which helps those who feel stuck in their situation and as a way of identifying what is really important to them and how they can identify what skills they have, and what they can actively do to make those changes themselves. I would tell them that they need to fully engage with the process and make the time to work through the activities to get the true benefit.”
“A tool that helps to learn about oneself through an honest conversation with oneself. The resource provides a safe space in which to have a ‘semi-structured’ conversation with yourself. If you are shy about talking with others directly, it can help you reflect in your own space and at your own time. You can walk through it quickly or you can take all the time in the world – moving between chapters and looking at your ‘answers’ from different angles as the tool invites you to pause, become still and allow the thoughts to just come to you. It helps calm your mind, brings old ideas together and allows for new ideas to emerge. There is no pressure – you are ‘in control’ – but the tool keeps gently nudging you forward.”