❧ How might being a perfectionist be helpful to you?
❧ How might being a perfectionist be unhelpful to you?
❧ In which areas of your life perfectionism does not serve you?
❧ What situations tend to trigger your perfectionism?
Choose one life area/situation where your perfectionism does not serve you:
❧ How does your perfectionist behaviour manifest?
❧ What negative self-talk patterns arise?
❧ What do you do/don’t do? (behaviour)
❧ What do you believe when you manifest this perfectionist behaviour (should and musts, ‘rule’ to follow)?
❧ What are the negative consequences of this belief / rule ?
❧ Where does this belief / rule come from?
❧ In what way is this belief / rule unrealistic?
❧ What is an alternative and more helpful belief / rule here?
❧ How will you embed this more helpful belief / rule into your life?
*** Inspired by Fursland et al. (2009). Perfectionism in Perspective. Perth, Western Australia: Centre for Clinical Interventions. ***