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Job crafting series – part III – Task crafting

Job Crafting Part III- Task crafting

Job crafting series – part III – Task crafting

Ready to explore your (limiting) beliefs about what you do or ‘have to do’ in your work?

Redefining and reimagining our work can be done through a step-by-step process accessible to all of us, regardless of our line of work and level of responsibility.

There are 4 main types of job crafting activities:

    • Task crafting
    • Relationship crafting
    • Cognitive crafting
    • Environment crafting


Task crafting involves altering the type of tasks, assignments and responsibilities of our job.

It is about exploring what we like doing, the (limiting) beliefs we have about what we do or ‘have to do’ and opening ourselves to new ways of doing things and thinking about them.

Self-coaching questions

You might want to look at the self-coaching questions of the Job Crafting Series Part I on Job dissatisfaction here and Part II on Crafter mindset here before exploring the self-coaching questions below on Task crafting.

Throughout your professional life, what have you liked doing? Why?

What tasks or assignments have been meaningful? Why?

What tasks or assignments have given you satisfaction? Why?

What have been the tasks or assignments  that you were particularly good at and that you enjoyed? That were challenging and you enjoyed? Why?

What have you forgotten that you like doing professionally?

How do feel about each task or assignment?

What would you like to do that you feel your current post/work does not allow/enable you to do?

What skills would you like to develop? What would they enable you to do?

How have you been communicating to your colleagues and manager what you like and don’t like doing? What you want and don’t want to do?

How could you approach tasks and assignments you do not enjoy but are absolutely necessary in your work to make them less painful/draining/boring? What could you tell yourself about them? What could you change in the way you are doing them?

How could you focus your work on the things that you like doing and make sense to you?

What will you do today as a first step on your journey to task crafting?

Walk Gently!

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